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Those findings held even after researchers massaged their data, trying to remove the influence of other things that are known to be risk factors for attention problems and hyperactivity, like a mothers age, her education, smoking during pregnancy, and other kinds of drug use.
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During times when they were taking medication for ADHD, men were 32% less apt to commit a crime and women were 41% less likely to do so compared to when they were not taking ADHD medication.

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Confirmation is complicated and involves gathering clinical and epidemiological evidence of an association, he said.
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The 1999 Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, a landmark study conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health with 579 children aged 7-9, recommends a trial without medication if a childs symptoms have been stabilized after two or three years.

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Good choices include catfish, mullet, trout, sardines, sole, tilapia, and wild-caught salmon, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council, a nonprofit environmental group that publishes a guide to mercury in fish.
And there is some evidence that keeping a child on his or her ADHD medications will reduce symptoms better than stopping and starting.
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Korrick, MD, MPH, an associate physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, is that its possible that a woman could eat a lot of fish low in mercury, and her children could reap the benefits of the nutritional content of the fish instead of the harm from the mercury.
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